of the Perfect-Air stations PA-10 was sold in the Czech Republic and Slovakia.
of specialists and experts are in the Perfect-Air team in Prague and Ostrava.
14,6 million
was invested into Perfect-Air product and solution development over the last year.
Wrote about us
What is our story?
Perfect-Air idea didn’t spring up overnight. It was preceded by years of research, development and the desire to contribute to improving human quality of life.
Behind this all is a university lecturer and researcher Martin Malčík, who has been focusing on areas related to human development and long-term sustainability combined with the use of information technology and artificial intelligence for over 15 years.
He has long been interested in the context and influence of the stress load on human health and quality of life. Martin has initiated and developed number of research projects in which innovative products are created and successfully introduced to the market.
He began to develop the idea of Perfect-Air based on the need to have valid information about the quality of the surrounding environment. Gradually, he worked on the topic from various angles – technical, data, software, logistics, but also financial and business.
On the Perfect-Air project, Martin closely cooperates with his former student and creator of technical solutions Jiří Janeczek. Among other things, colleagues from the Polish company Siltegro also made a significant contribution to the technical implementation.
In cooperation with other experts, the current form of the measuring station was created, including additional services, which we are constantly developing and improving.
Our team
Our investors
Our vision
The air we breathe affects number of respiratory diseases, our mental health and ability to think and make decisions.
We believe that Perfect-Air platform will help adults and chilndren exposed to hazardous substances bound to the dust they inhale.
We care about people
For healthier and more sustainable life, we provide accurate air quality information in your place of stay. For your health and health of your loved ones.
We protect the nature
In Perfect-Air we care about the state of the planet We work on reducing carbon footprint and we have decided to plant 100 000 trees in the Czech forests within next 10 years.
We do not underestimate health
Every year, in the Czech Republic, 11 000 people die prematurely due to high level of air pollution. We collect data and publish professional articles.